Professors and Associate Professors

Name Title Job responsibilities Phone E-mail
Andersen, Søren Kaj Head of Centre, Associate Professor Collective bargaining rounds in the private sector; labour migration/foreign workers; labour market organisations +4535323269 E-mail
Arnholtz, Jens Associate Professor Labour migration/foreign workers; EU-level labour market regulation +4535323214 E-mail
Birkelund, Jesper Fels Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535330624 E-mail
Borch, Christian Professor +4535328645 E-mail
Brincker, Benedikte Professor +4535321415 E-mail
Carleheden, Mikael Associate Professor Social theory, Theory of science +4535323286 E-mail
Chen, Mengni Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535335283 E-mail
Christensen, Hilda Rømer Associate Professor Gender, Gender equality, Gender dimensioning, China, Globalization, Welfare, Innovation +4535323943 E-mail
Demant, Jakob Johan Professor Youth, alcohol and drug research, criminality, mixed methods, focus groups, cultural sociology, cryptomarkets, Prevention, Situational crime preven... +4535321584 E-mail
Galos, Diana-Roxana Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535337253 E-mail
Halkier, Bente Professor Consumption, contestation of food, everyday life practices, qualitative methods +4535335044 E-mail
Hansen, Nana Wesley Associate Professor Collective bargaining rounds in the public sector; public sector cooperation and negotiation at local level; labour migration/foreign workers +4535323444 E-mail
Harder, Sidsel Kirstine Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535332646 E-mail
Herman, Andrew Christopher Assistant Professor - Tenure Track +4535329229 E-mail
Ibsen, Christian Lyhne Associate Professor Collective bargaining; trade unions and employer associations; comparative political economy; vocational education; equality and efficiency. +4535323904 E-mail
Ilsøe, Anna Associate Professor Digital platform work; private sector; working hours; labour market organisations. +4535323212 E-mail
Jensen, Carsten Strøby Associate Professor Labour Market, employment relations, industrial relations, European Community and integration theory, political sociology +4535323944 E-mail
Järvinen, Margaretha Professor Marginalized groups, alcohol and drug research, sociological theory, qualitative methods +4535323274 E-mail
Karlson, Kristian Bernt Professor Educational stratification, social mobility, quantitative methods +4535321588 E-mail
Lauritzen, Ghita Dragsdahl Associate Professor +4535332185 E-mail
Liebst, Lasse Suonperä Associate Professor E-mail
Mailand, Mikkel Head of Research Collective bargaining in the public sector; corporatism and tripartite relations; EU-level labour market regulation; non-standard employment. +4535323277 E-mail
Maxwell, Claire Professor Sociology of education, elites and elite education, internationalisation of education, social justice in privileging space +4535327411 E-mail
Merhout, Friedolin Associate Professor Computational social science, Intergroup relations, Immigration, Cultural Sociology, Social Psychology +4535324127 E-mail
Milman-Doerr, Nicole Associate Professor Qualitative Methods, Visual Digital Sociology, Ethnography, Climate Change, Democracy +4535335057 E-mail
Navrbjerg, Steen Erik Associate Professor Cooperation and management in MNCs; employers organisations; management and distance work during corona; value chains and employment relations. +4535323279 E-mail
Nielsen, Mathias Wullum Associate Professor - Promotion Programme Associate Professor E-mail
Oxlund, Bjarke Head of Department E-mail
Pedersen, Inge Kryger Associate Professor Social Theory, Sociology of Health, Knowledge, Expertise, Body and Culture. +4535323229 E-mail
Poder, Poul Associate Professor Sociological theory, sociology of emotions, organisation/work life, conflict, violence and sociology of personal life (love, friendship, courage) +4535323946 E-mail
Schaeffer, Merlin Professor, Head of Studies Immigration, Ethnic stratification, Political sociology, Quantitative methods +4535331692 E-mail
Toubøl, Jonas Associate Professor +4535323268 E-mail