Culture and Civil Society

The research group Culture and Civil Society organise researchers interested in sociological questions of culture and civil society. Empirically, we examine topics such as contested uses of public space; organization of leisure lifestyles; subcultural and delinquent behaviour; violence and aggression; cultural segregation; and criminal activities.

We furthermore engage in theoretical investigations into topics of embodiment and sexuality, and different modes of politicisation of civil society. The aim of the group is to facilitate discussion and inspire collaboration in the mentioned areas of research.

We have particular interest in producing a sociology that links theory and research to concrete interventions into social life. The group facilitates collaboration among researchers with respect to research projects and funding, it provides the opportunity to share and critically discuss new ideas, and it encourages collaboration between junior and senior staff. The group coordinate and qualify courses offered as part of the MA specialisation in Culture, Lifestyle and Everyday Life.

Research Coordinator

Ghita Dahl Lauritzen

Researchers in the group

Name Title Phone E-mail
Bente Halkier Professor +4535335044 E-mail
Camilla Bank Friis Postdoc +4535326632 E-mail
Ida Friis Thing Research Assistant +4535335285 E-mail
Jakob Johan Demant Professor +4535321584 E-mail
Lasse Suonperä Liebst Associate Professor E-mail
Louise Høyer Bom PhD Fellow +4535329249 E-mail
Malgorzata Maria Kurjanska Marie Curie Fellow E-mail
Mikael Carleheden Associate Professor +4535323286 E-mail
Poul Poder Associate Professor +4535323946 E-mail