Where have all the people gone? Reconstructing daily life during the Corona Crisis

How are your daily routines affected by social distancing measures? How do you keep in touch with friends and family? What government regulations are the most difficult to follow? And why?

A totally empty Amager Torv (square in central Copenhagen) on 30 March 2020. Photo: Romina Forte Nerán
A totally empty Amager Torv (square in central Copenhagen) on 30 March 2020. Photo: Romina Forte Nerán

On March 11th, the Danish government closed down schools, universities, and set in motion other distancing strategies designed to keep us physically apart. These measures suddenly changed the daily lives for millions of Danes and raise an important question: How have the distancing regulations impacted social relationships, family life, well-being, and mental health?

We mad a survey, which is no longer active.

All participants were asked to fill out a diary-like survey where they could share details of their activities from the previous day. The survey took approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.
















The study has been developed by a team of researchers from the Departments of Sociology and Psychology at the University of Copenhagen and WZB Berlin Social Science Center.




Name Title Phone E-mail

Funded by:

The survey is funded by the Faculty of Social Sciences' emergency grants allocated for research on societal aspects of Covid-19.

Project: Where have all the people gone? Reconstructing daily life during the Corona Crisis
Period:  2020-


Merlin Schaeffer
Department of Sociology
Mail: mesc@soc.ku.dk
Phone: +45 35 33 16 92

Follow the study

The projektet had its own blog, which was updated with new results from the survey:
KU Corona Diary Blog

External members:

Name Title
Dr. Jan Paul Heisig Berlin Social Science Centre