Social drivers and barriers for climate-friendly diet

Changing the food routines of more Danes into a more plant-based kind of food could contribute to decreasing the climate footprint of Denmark.



The purpose of this research project was to shed light upon possibilities and obstacles for changing food into more plant-based food in the everyday lives of Danes.

The project looked into the mundane food practices, social norms and social interaction around food.  In the project, we investigated the quantitative distribution of plant-based eating among Danes in general. We also investigated qualitatively the specific dynamics among Danes aged 18-30 years, who have had experiences with more climate-friendly and plant-based food routines. For example, we looked into what they ate, and how they handled their food routines in relation to their social network.















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Funded by:

Velux Foundations

Social drivers and barriers for climate-friendly diet has received a three year funding from The Velux Foundations.

Project: Social drivers and barriers for climate-friendly diet
Period:  2020-2022


Professor Bente Halkier
Department of Sociology
Telefon: 35 33 50 44