Previous events and activities

22 October 2024
CoMMonS research discussion: 'Art and social movements'

19 November 2024
CoMMonS Online Zoom Talk

Bernhard Forchtner, Leicester University 'Visual approaches to far right mobilization and the environment',

10-11 October 2024
CoMMons Workshop

Polarization, Visual Storytelling and Affective Connections on Climate Justice

This public workshop involved activists and researchers that together explored how and why climate activists use social media.

  • Alexandra Segerberg, Katrin Uba, Dominik Rákos, Liv Egholm, Luca Rossi, Curd Knuepfer, Anita Nissen, María Langa, Luigi Arminio, Christina Neumayer and Nicole Doerr.

See the full programme (pdf).

29 January 2024
CoMMons Online Seminar

The Emotions of Climate Change: Environmentalist protest between hope and apocalypse

  • Carl Cassegård, and Håkan Thörn, Gothenburg University.
    Post Apocalyptic Environmentalism: The Green Movement in Times of Catastrophe
  • María Langa, UCPH, and Phillip Creswell, Gothenburg University.
    The Silver Lining of Environmental Catastrophe. Hope and Eco-Millenialism in Swedish Urban Gardening Activism.

22 May 2023
CoMMonS Digital Panel

Mobilizing against Autocratisation: Trust in Protest

  • Prof Andrea Petö, CEU: Democratic backsliding and civil society resilience in Hungary
  • Dr Noa Milman, DEZIM: Civic protests against autocratisation in Israel
  • Dr Irene Weipert-Fenner, PRIF/ConTrust: Tunisia: Too little too late? Mobilizing against re-autocratisation in Tunisia
  • Prof Jonas Wolff, ConTrust (GU/PRIF): Comment from a comparative perspective
  • Host: Associate Prof Nicole Doerr, CoMMonS/UCPH, facilitation

6 February 2023
CoMMonS Digital Workshop

Carmen Geha, University of Pompeo Fabra, Barcelona.
Displaced and Dispersed: Migration of Activists from the Arab Region/ Intersectional Struggles for Citizenship
CoMMonS UCPH co-sponsored with PRIF, Goethe Universität Frankfurt.

19 January 2023
CoMMonS Digital Book Panel

Anita Nissen. Europeanisation of the Contemporary Far Right: Generation Identity and Fortress Europe. Routledge, 2022.

7 December 2022
CoMMonS Open Book Lecture

Lara Monticelli (ed). The Future is Now. An Introduction to Prefigurative Politics. Bristol University Press, 2022.

23 November 2022
CoMMonS Digital Workshop

Irina Aguari, SNS: Fields of resistance: local communities repoliticising the terrain of food production

9 November 2022
CoMMonS Open Book Lecture

Bolette Blaagaard: Citizen Journalism as Conceptual Practice: Postcolonial Archives and Embodied Political Acts of New Media. Rowman & Littlefield, 2018.

2 November 2022
CoMMonS Digital Workshop

Ryan Switzer, Stockholm University: Territorially Stigmatization and the Far Right Social Movement in Sweden
Discussant: Noa Milman, DeZIM Institut

26 October 2022
CoMMonS Blended Workshop

Far Right Digital Mobilization, Elections, and the Visual Turn in Political Sociology

Presentations tbc by Manès Weisskircher (University of Oslo), Christina Neumayer (UCPH), Endre Borbath (WZB), Julie Rone (University of Cambridge), Maik Fielitz (IDZ Jena), Stephane Baele (ExId-Exeter University), Noa Milman (DeZIM), Ryan Switzer (Stockholm), Eva Svatonova (ExId-UCPH), Sarah Awad (Aalborg University), Anita Nissen (Aalborg University), Oscar Agustin (Aalborg University), Tina Askanius and Maria Brock (Malmö University), Matti Nelimarka (University of Helsinki), and Ofra Klein (EUI).

Organiser: Nicole Doerr, UCPH, CoMMonS

24 May 2022

Research paper presenter: Endre Borbáth, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin. Paper: Just Call Me Movement: Party (Re-)branding in Europe.

5 May 2022
Visuality and Populism

International Conference by CoMMonS and KHK/GCR21 Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg/Essen.

28 April 2022

Research Paper presenter: Ester Sigillò, Research Fellow, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna
Research Paper: The Wave of Mobilizations in Algeria (ERC BIT-ACT Project)

24 March 2022

Research paper presenter: Manès Weisskircher, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Sociology and Human Geography and Center for Research on Extremism, University of Oslo, CoMMonS external member
How far-right parties mobilize against global warming policies: The case of AfD.

21 January 2021
CoMMonS online workshop

'Climate citizen assemblies in Denmark and Europe in the perspective of research on deliberative and participatory democracy'. Nicole Doerr with civil society groups.

16 December 2020 
CoMMonS Book Talk: Julia Rone

Opening talk of a Book Talk series organised by CoMMonS in collaboration with the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna, in Italy. The first talk featured Julia Rone, author of 'Contesting Austerity and Free Trade in the EU: Protest Diffusion in Complex Media and Political Arenas'. 

4 December 2020

Nicole Doerr talks in the Danish podcast 'Flere Med' about why the Black Lives Matter movement has gained such a strong momentum in 2020 even though police violence is not a new phenomenon in the United States. The talk is in English.

October 2020 
Online panels and key note talk:

In October 2020, CoMMonS hosted a series of online diskussions:

  • Digital Panel: Far-right Digital and Visual Mobilization and Gender in Scandinavia
  • Digital Keynote Talk with Jean Beaman, University of California: Suspect Citizenship: Race and Racism in Contemporary France
  • Digital Panel: Migration and Racism in Europe

23 September 2020 
Journal article: 

Postdoc Hjalmar Bang Carlsen, Associate Professor Nicole Doerr and Postdoc Jonas Toubøl have contributed to ‘VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations’ with the paper: ‘Inequality in Interaction: Equalising the Helper–Recipient Relationship in the Refugee Solidarity Movement'. The authors focus on how empowerment projects with different interactional styles produce different forms of (in)equality on an interactional level despite dealing with very similar structural inequalities.

September 2020 

Nicole Doerr won a senior research fellowship by the Käthe Hamburg International Research College at the University of Duisburg-Essen. She will be doing research on right wing extremist digital narratives and visual politics from September 2021 to July 2022.

6 August 2020

Read Geoffrey Pleyers' article 'The Pandemic is a battlefield. Social movements in the COVID-19 lockdown' in the Journal of Civil Society.

April 2020 
International symposium

End of April 2020, CoMMonS was hosting an international symposium with a long list of speakers discussing social movements and political mobilisation in times of global pandemic.  

2020 Spring semester
ZOOM Workshop for master and bachelor students “Socially vulnerable groups in the Corona crisis”.

Taught by Nicole Doerr with guest speakers Professor Håkan Thörn (University of Gothenburg) and Professor Miguel Martinez (Stockholm University) and civil society groups including Almen Modstand.

2020 Spring semester
ZOOM Workshop for master and bachelor students Civil society, democracy and protest during and after the Corona pandemic.

Taught by Nicole Doerr.

2019 Autumn semester

Interactive workshops for master and bachelor students: 1) Learning from NGOs: Refugees Welcome. 2) Asylum seekers tell their stories. Taught by Nicole Doerr with civil society groups and asylum seekers.

2019 Autumn semester
Research Workshop Civil Society, Solidarity with Refugees, and Criminalization

Organised by Nicole Doerr. Keynote speaker: Donatella della Porta, Dean of the Scuola Normale Superiore and Director of COSMOS Research Centre

2019 Autumn semester
Research Workshop Migration, and Social Boundaries to Citizenship

Organised by Nicole Doerr for the University of Copenhagen, Centre for Anthropological, Political, and Social Theory (CAPS). Keynote speaker: Gökce Yurdakul, Director of the Department of Social Sciences, Humboldt University of Berlin, including civil society groups such as Trampoline House, and Professors Per Mouritsen (Aarhus University), Pieter Bevelander (Malmö University), and Kristina Bakkaer Simonsen (Aalborg University).

2018 Spring semester
Research Workshop Race/Ethnicity, Contentious Politics, and Social Movements

Co-taught by Douglas McAdam (Stanford University), and Nicole Doerr, University of Copenhagen, Department of Sociology.

2018 Autumn semester
PhD course on Visual and Digital Media Analysis

Organised and team-taught by Nicole Doerr and the keynote speakers Alice Mattoni, Associate Professor, University of Bologna, Italy, and Anna Schober, Chair of Visual Culture, University of Klagenfurt, Austria.

2017 Spring semester
PhD course and Conference on Deliberative Politics in Times of Right Wing Mobilization

Organised by Nicole Doerr for University of Copenhagen, Department of Sociology, keynote speakers: Professor Jane Mansbridge (Harvard University) and Associate Professor Jeffrey Juris (Northeastern University)

2016 Autumn semester
International PhD Workshop Advances in the Study of Social Movements

Co-organised by Nicole Doerr and Jonas Toubøl, keynote speaker: Douglas McAdam (Stanford University).