Copenhagen Centre for Political Mobilisation and Social Movement Studies (CoMMonS)

The Copenhagen Centre for Politial Mobilisation and Social Movement Studies produces systematic research on mobilisation, protest, citizenship and political engagement in Denmark and internationally. 

Watch the international workshop on social movements in times of global pandemic hosted by the Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen. For full videos of all panel sessions and more info on the workshop, please visit the CoMMonS online library.

Today’s democracy is shaped by struggles of historic labor and women’s movements. In recent years, new pro-democracy movements and the Global Climate Justice Movement have emerged.

How does protest succeed to spark social change? How do activists communicate through digital media? CoMMonS research addresses these questions through systemic analysis. The activities include invited lectures, digital conferences, workshops, and externally funded interdisciplinary research projects.

























Sub projects

Nicole Doerr, PolarVis—a visual and narrative analysis combining big data analysis & qualitative methods to study political mobilization, polarization, and affect in digital media communication on climate politics online, HORIZON Europe Chanse research program. (2022-2025).

Hjalmar Alexander Bang Carlsen and Jonas Toubøl “Solidarity and volunteering in the Corona crisis” Independent Research Fund Denmark (2020-21): 

Nicole Doerr, visual and linguistic big data analysis & qualitative methods studying far right mobilization online, NORFACE Democratic Governance in a Turbulent Age research program. (2020-2022):

Noa Milman, “Black Lives Matter Mobilizations in Denmark: an International Comparison” Cooperation with BMBF/DeZIM Institute (project start: 2020)

Malgorzata Kurjanska, Marie Curie Postdoctoral Project funded by the European Union “The Making and Awaking of the European Far Right: A Qualitative Analysis of Far Right Supporters In Denmark and Poland” (Project Acronym: AWAKE, project number is 894959) Starting date: September 2020

Jonas Toubøl, “Mobilization in the era of social media. Introducing the decisive role of group level factors” Carlsberg Foundation (2018-2021):

Noa Milman, “Diverse Just—Addressing Diversity. How Immigration Shapes Criminal Justice and Welfare Policies” EU Marie-Sklodowska Curie individual fellowship (2019-2021):

Charlotte Baarts, “Walkways--ethnography and auto ethnography” (book project).

Gritt B. Nielsen, “Fighting for e/quality: comparative ethnographies of new student movements” Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) (2020-2023): 

Óscar García Agustín “Geographies of Populism in Europe: Imagination, people and places”, Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) (2020-2023): #humAAU #dkforsk #GeographiesOfPopulism

Suvi Keskinen, Pauline Stoltz, Diana Mulinari (eds.) “Feminisms in the Nordic Region – Neoliberalism, Nationalism and Decolonial Critique” Palgrave forthcoming, based on the project ‘The Future of Feminisms in the Nordic Region’ Joint Committee for Nordic Research Councils in Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS) and the Nordic Council of Ministers by means of Nordic Information on Gender (NIKK) (2016 -2017).

Lara Monticelli, Project: ECOLABSS – Ecovillages as Laboratories of Sustainability and Social Change (EU Marie-Sklodowska Curie individual fellowship, Grant no. 798866).

Christian Franklin Svensson, “Anthropocenes of civic engagement” Department of Sociology and Social Work, Aalborg University: 

Hanne Bess Boelsbjerg, “Borderlands of Living” Carlsberg Foundation (2019-2021): 

Sophia Wathne, PhD Project “Food Sovereignty and Peasant Prefiguration” Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence, Italy (2018-2022): 

Silas Harrebye, ”De demokratiske deltagelsesformers effekt og potentiale. En undersøgelse af magtelites politiske responsivitet. 2020-2023.” Funded by Roskilde Festival Fonden

Renata Motta, Food for Justice: Power, Politics and Food Inequalities in a Bioeconomy, funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research, BMBF, (2019-2024): 

Alice Mattoni, Research Project BIT-ACT (Bottom-up initiatives and anti-corruption technologies: how citizens use ICTs to fight corruption) funded by the European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant, 2019) 














































  • Oscar Agustín, Associate Professor, Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University
  • Tina Askanius, Senior Lecturer, Media and Communication, Malmö University
  • Hanne Bess Bjoelsbjerg, Postdoctoral Fellow, Aarhus University
  • Bolette Blaagaard, Associate Professor, Department of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University
  • Thomas P. Boje, Professor of Global Political Sociology, Institut for Samfundsvidenskab og Erhverv, Roskilde University
  • Maria Brock, Postdoctoral Researcher, Malmö University.
  • Teresa Cappiali, Researcher and Lecturer in the Department of Gender Studies at Lund University
  • Bente Castro Campos, Postdoc, Department of Agricultural Policy and Market Research, University of Giessen.
  • Joost de Moor, Postdoc, Political Science Department, Stockholm University,
  • Marco Antonio dos Santos Teixeira, Researcher in Sociology, Institute for Latin American Studies, Free University of Berlin
  • Ane Grubb, Postdoc, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Aalborg University in Copenhagen
  • Christina Hansen, PhD student, Malmö University
  • Silas Harrebye, Associate Professor, Global Political Sociology, Roskilde University
  • Alice Mattoni, Associate Professor, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna.
  • Susi Meret, Associate Professor, Department of Politics and Society, Aalborg University
  • Lara Monticelli, Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, CBS
  • Renata Campos Motta, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Institute for Latin American Studies, Free University of Berlin
  • Gritt Nielsen, Associate Professor, Anthropology, Aarhus University
  • Anita Nissen, PhD student, Department of Politics and Society, Aalborg University
  • Pauline Stoltz, Associate Professor, Political Science, Aalborg University
  • Christel Stormhøj, Associate Professor, Roskilde University
  • Christian Franklin Svensson (PhD), Department of Sociology and Social Work, The Faculty of Social Sciences, Aalborg University
  • Cecelia Walsh-Russo, Visiting Assistant Professor, Colgate University
  • Sophia Wathne, PhD student, Scuola Normale Superiore
  • Manes Weisskircher, Researcher, Political Theory, Dresden University
  • Ekatherina Zhukova, Researcher, Lund University
  • Noa Milman, Researcher, DeZIM Institut, Berlin








  • Mona Baker, Affiliate Professor, Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Education (SHE), University of Oslo
  • Jean Beaman, Associate Professor, Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Thomas P. Boje, Professor, Roskilde University
  • Doug McAdam, Professor Emeritus, Stanford University
  • Donatella della Porta, Professor, Dean of the Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence
  • Nicole Deitelhoff, Professor, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Director of the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt
  • Liv Egholm, Associate Professor, CBS, director of CISTAS
  • Nina Eliasoph, University of Southern California
  • Marco Giugni, Professor, Université de Geneve
  • Peter Gundelach, Professor emeritus, University of Copenhagen Sociology
  • Lasse Lindekilde, Professor, Aarhus University
  • Jane Mansbridge, Professor Emerita, Harvard University
  • Flemming Mikkelsen, Researcher, University of Copenhagen
  • Thomas Olesen, Professor, Aarhus University
  • Geoffrey Pleyers, Professor, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
  • Birte Siim, Professor Emerita, Aalborg University
  • Dieter Rucht, Professor Emeritus, Social Science Research Centre Berlin
  • Jan Aart Scholte, Professor in Peace and Development at the School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg
  • Håkan Thörn, Professor, University of Gothenburg, Centre for Social Movement and Resistance Studies
  • Stellan Vintagen, Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Endowed Chair of Non-Violent Direct Action
  • Nancy Whittier, Professor, Smith College, USA
  • Ruth Wodak, Professor of Linguistics Emeritus, Lancaster University










Name Title Phone E-mail
Carleheden, Mikael Associate Professor +4535323286 E-mail
Krøijer, Stine Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535321581 E-mail
Kurjanska, Malgorzata Maria Marie Curie Fellow E-mail
Toubøl, Jonas Associate Professor +4535323268 E-mail

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Associate Professor Nicole Doerr
Department of Sociology
University of Copenhagen

Nicole Doerr is head of the centre.

Latest news and events

17 February 2025

CoMMonS online research discussion panel 

Liberal democracy faced with far right government: Europe and Trump II.


  • Prof. Dr. Ruth Wodak (Vienna/Lancaster Universities, emerita)
  • Anja Wehler-Schöck (Der Tagesspiegel, international editor)
  • Prof. Dr. Jens Steffek (Universität Darmstadt/ConTrust)
  • Dr. Manès Weisskircher (TUD/REXKLIMA)
  • Prof. Dr. Sabrina Zajak (DeZIM).

Host: Associate Prof Nicole Milman-Dörr, (PolarVis/CoMMonS UCPH),

Link to follow.

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