PhD studies at the Department of Sociology

The Department of Sociology at the University of Copenhagen takes a broad approach to social, political and cultural sociology, reflected in the courses offered and in ongoing research activities.

It provides diversity in terms of both theoretical orientations and methodologies.

Major areas of departmental interest include ‘Culture and Civil Society", "Knowledge, Organization and Politics" and "Welfare, Inequality and Mobility".

The Department offers a three-year PhD programme. The programme of study consists of:

  • The completion of a major independent research project under supervision of a member of staff. The resulting dissertation often takes the form of a monograph, but may also consist of a set of published (or publishable) articles
  • Coursework, approximately one semester of study in total
  • Teaching and supervision of BA and MA students, corresponding to approximately 14 weeks of work

The PhD degree is awarded after the successful completion of the three years programme and after the PhD thesis has been accepted by an evaluation committee.

Visit the PhD School in the Social Sciences and apply for admission


The Department of Sociology at the University of Copenhagen takes a broad approach to social, political and cultural sociology, reflected in the courses offered and in ongoing research activities.

It provides diversity in terms of both theoretical orientations and methodologies.

Major areas of departmental interest include ‘Culture and Civil Society", "Knowledge, Organization and Politics" and "Welfare, Inequality and Mobility".

The Department offers a three-year PhD programme. The programme of study consists of:

  • The completion of a major independent research project under supervision of a member of staff. The resulting dissertation often takes the form of a monograph, but may also consist of a set of published (or publishable) articles
  • Coursework, approximately one semester of study in total
  • Teaching and supervision of BA and MA students, corresponding to approximately 14 weeks of work

The PhD degree is awarded after the successful completion of the three years programme and after the PhD thesis has been accepted by an evaluation committee.

Visit the PhD School in the Social Sciences and apply for admission



The PhD programme adheres to rules and guidelines ranging from the general international rules to the more specific departmental regulations.

The Faculty of Social Sciences has established a PhD School wherein all the faculty's PhD programmes are represented. Find more information about the PhD School in the Social Sciences.

The Head of the PhD School is also head of the PhD Study Committee. The PhD Study Committee decides on the general guidelines for the PhD programme at the faculty.

The PhD Study Committee consists of the chairman and the faculty's five subjects represented by one member of the academic staff and one PhD student. The member of the academic staff is elected for a three-year period and the PhD student is elected for a one year period.





The PhD programme includes coursework of approximately one semester of study, totaling 30 ECTS.

There are “generic” (general) courses arranged at The PhD School in the Social Sciences. The topics of these courses are relevant to all of the faculty's PhD students. The students are to gain general competence in, e.g. pedagogy, communications, writing scientific papers in English, etc. The sociology courses, on the other hand, are typically offered by the department. See the website: Research – PhD student – PhD courses. They are usually first announced by e-mail and also posted at

Taking a generic introductory course and a sociological project design course in the first semester of the  program is mandatory. The department regularly offers courses in sociological theory and methods (sometimes in cooperation with the Sociology departments at Aalborg and Lund University).

PhD students may also take courses at other departments and universities, both nationally ( and internationally.

Further, PhD students are encouraged to participate in the suggestion and planning of course activities. This ensures that the specialised courses offered resonate with the interests of the PhD students, while providing the opportunity for the students to become part of an international academic network and build their capacity to organise academic events. On KUnet under the department you can find a description on how to plan a PhD course.