- Taking exams at the Department of Sociology
- When do I sign up
- Where do I sign up? (exchange students only)
- Handing in assignments
- Exam number
- Oral Exam
- Cancellation of an exam
- Deferral of exam due to illness
- Re-examination
- Publication of examination results
- Grading scheme
- Plagiarism and cheating
- Solemn declaration
- Exam Appeals
Taking exams at the Department of Sociology
Please read the General Instructions for Examinations before taking any exam at the Department of Sociology. The General conditions, Formal requirements and Types of examinations are presented here. You can find the instructions at the right side.
When do I sign up?
When you have signed up for a course you are automatically signed up for examination in the course as well. Signing up for courses takes place for the autumn semester between 15th of May and the 1st of June and for the spring semester between 15th of November and the 1st of December.
Where do I sign up?
You register for courses by filling out the course registration form and mailing it to exchange@soc.ku.dk no later than June 1st/December 1st. Read more about the procedure in the course registration form. You can find the course registration form at the right side.
You will receive a reply to your application no longer than 6 weeks after the application deadline.
When you are registered for exams an examination number will be revealed at KUnet some weeks before the exams. This number is your individual code, and is to be placed on the front page on written assignments. It is also used as a reference to the time for your oral exam.
Handing in assignments
You can find a list of hand-in dates for exams on the right side of this webpage. You must upload your written assignment at Digital Exam.
Exam number
When you register for the exams an examination number will be revealed at KUnet some weeks before the exams. This number is your individual code, and is to be placed on the front page on written assignments. It is also used as a reference to the time for your oral exam. You will get one number for each exam you have signed for. Your assignment should not include your name, only if you hand in a synopsis for oral exam, you name should be added. You should furthermore use your exam number for checking the exam result when they are announced.
Oral Exam
Please be aware that exams including an oral part, will take place either in June (courses in Spring semester) or in January (courses in Autumn Semester). Exchange Students are expected to be present in Copenhagen for the oral part of the exam. Please note it is not possible to take the oral examination via Skype.
At the course description at www.kurser.ku.dk, you will find the type of exam for the course you wish to follow.
You can find the hand-in date for your exam on the right side of this webpage under “Dates for handing in exams”. The date for the oral part of the exam will be announced as soon as possible in the beginning of each Semester. Please contact the Examination Administrator if you need more information regarding the final date for the oral part of your exam.
Cancellation of an exam
As an Exchange student you should write an email to the exam administrator to get an exam cancelled.
Deferral of examination due to illness
Students who have been prevented from sitting exams due to illness must show proof of this. It requires a doctor's statement that is signed on the actual examination day/due day. Students who by a doctor's certificate can attest that they because of illness were unable to attend an examination, for which he/she was registered, can register for a re-examination. With a doctor’s certificate, the first registered examination does not count as an examination attempt. The doctor's certificate must be submitted to the exam administration – by mail or handed in in person - within 5 weekdays from the date of the exam. The date for handing in re-examinations for each course will also appear on the list of hand-in dates to the right on this site.
You have to participate in the ordinary scheduled exam to obtain the right to re-examination in case that you do not pass. The ordinary exam counts as an attempted exam. Re-examinations are to be held after the exams in the winter/summer period. The date for handing in re-examinations for each course will appear on the list of hand-in dates to the right on this site. You are not automatically registered for re-exam. You have to send an e-mail to the administration (soc-studieadm@soc.ku.dk) to be registered for re-exam at the end of January (Winter exam), and at the end of July (Summer exam).
It is not possible to register for re-examination if registration for the ordinary exam has been cancelled. You can only register for re-examination in the courses, which you were registered for at the ordinary exam.
Exam language
The exam language is always the same language as the course is taught in. If the course is in Danish you can choose to do the exam in one of the Scandinavian languages.
Publication of examination results
The results of the exams for the ordinary examination will be published in the beginning of February/July. When published, the results can be found under the ‘self service' at KUnet.
Grading scheme
12: For an excellent performance displaying a high level of command of all aspects of the relevant material, with no or only a few minor weaknesses.
10: For a very good performance displaying a high level of command of most aspects of the relevant material, with only minor weaknesses.
7: For a good performance displaying good command of the relevant material but also some weaknesses.
4: For a fair performance displaying some command of the relevant material but also some major weaknesses.
02: For a performance meeting only the minimum requirements for acceptance.
00: For a performance which does not meet the minimum requirements for acceptance.
-3: For a performance which is unacceptable in all respect.
Plagiarism and cheating
The term plagiarism refers to the unacknowledged use of someone else's ideas; in other words, you plagiarize when you offer someone else's thoughts and ideas as your own or copy text that you have not written yourself. You should at all times present your own work for the exams and should give correct references for all quotations, ideas and arguments from other sources.
Solemn declaration
When you hand in a paper you have to make a solemn declaration along with the paper. You make the solemn declaration directly in Digital Exam. With the solemn declaration you declare that you have written your paper in accordance with the regulations concerning Academic Integrity established in "Disciplinary measures towards students at the University of Copenhagen" and elaborated in the "General Instructions for Examinations" written by the Department of Sociology.
Exam appeals
If you feel you have been unfairly treated or graded in an exam, you can complain. You can find more information here (login to KUnet).
Dates for handing in exams
You can see the hand-in dates for your exams by following this link
Student Advisory Service at Sociology
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Contact information
Telephone: (+45) 35 32 46 00
E-mail: student-advisor@samf.ku.dk