2019.02.12 Expats and the firms they work in This report investigates the role of firms in generating skills mobility. Combining Danish firm- an…
2018.12.05 Department of Sociology moves up on global ranking list Department of Sociology at University of Copenhagen is now ranked number 39 on the Shanghai Ranking…
Health 2018.11.16 How do unfavorable living conditions affect eating habits in everyday life? New research will contribute to knowledge on food practices and dietary health among economically…
2018.10.29 Collective wage regulation in northern Europe under strain: Multiple drivers of change and differing responses There has been much recent attention to the upheavals, often externally induced, in collective…
2018.10.12 The effects of union mergers and internal restructuring: a bottom-up perspective by Danish shop stewards How does recent union mergers and restructuring affect union’s service provision, interest…
2018.10.11 The European flexicurity concept and the Dutch and Danish flexicurity models: How have they managed the Great Recession? In the mid‐2000s, the flexicurity concept was developed into a key EU policy concept. It drew its…
Prevention 2018.10.01 Research in violence and threats against prison guards and fare conductors can contribute to a better work environment A new research project carried out by the Department of Sociology will contribute with knowledge,…
2018.09.25 A division of labour? Labour market segmentation by region of origin In a new article in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies Jonas Felbo-Kolding, Janine Leschke and…
2018.08.23 Dealing with austerity and migration in the northern European cleaning sector In a new article Trine P. Larsen, Sissel Trygstad and Kristine Nergaard compares the employers’ rol…
2018.08.07 Collective wage bargaining under strain in northern European construction In a new article Jens Arnholtz, Guglielmo Meardi and Johannes Oldervoll shows how…
Honorary Doctor 2018.06.29 Sociologist Deborah Lupton to be awarded honorary doctor Professor Deborah Lupton will be awarded with an honorary doctorate at the University of Copenhagen…
2018.06.29 Voluntarist regulation of the digital economy In this article lecturer Anna Ilsøe argues that digital development in the labor market can lead to…
Big data 2018.06.26 Big-data study leads to prize from American Sociological Association Merlin Schaeffer, Associate Professor with the Department of Sociology, receives 'Outstanding…
2018.06.19 Immigrant labour market integration Labour market integration is one of the major challenges facing Western European states today, not…
2018.06.04 Tackling Precarious Work in Public Supply Chains Through a cross-national comparative study of local government ‘best practice cases’ of socially…