Review 2020.12.09 Report calls for more attention to gender aspects of COVID-19 epidemic Using Denmark as case study, the Coordination for Gender Research has published a literature review that gathers insights and practice from the first months of the corona epidemic.
New grant 2020.12.01 New project will support inclusion of people with hearing loss With support from THE VELUX FOUNDATIONS, a research project will investigate how to strengthen communities for people with hearing loss by creating good social spaces in schools and workplaces.
MOBILITY 2020.11.19 Researchers put human mobility into new formula Researchers at DTU and the University of Copenhagen have developed a model that provides new knowledge about how we move around in our everyday life and bridges a gap in the scientific understanding of mobility.
COVID-19 2020.10.15 Webinar to discuss sociological perspectives on the corona crisis What are the societal consequences on the corona epidemic on society, and how have three sociological projects helped to shed light on them? This is the theme of a webinar on 29 October.
2020.09.03 Claire Maxwell selected for anniversary issue of the British Journal of Sociology of Education Professor Claire Maxwell has contributed to a special issue of the British Journal of Sociology of Education celebrating its 40th anniversary.
Award 2020.07.30 Merlin Schaeffer receives runner-up prize for best article Associate Professor Merlin Schaeffer has been awarded the second prize in the ‘ESR Prize for the Best Article of the Year’, which is awarded to stimulate rigorous empirical–theoretical sociological research in Europe.
2020.07.01 Digital climate-activism in a Scandinavian corona-era A new research project, headed by Anders Blok, looks into how green NGOs in Denmark, Norway and Sweden have continued their climate political efforts during the lockdown.
CoMMonS 2020.06.16 New research centre puts focus on political mobilisation and protest A new research centre under the Department of Sociology will shed light on the growing numbers of civic protests targeting issues such as social injustice, discrimination and climate change.
New study 2020.05.28 Three out of four international students have experienced anxiety during the corona crisis Many international students at the University of Copenhagen have struggled with isolation, loneliness and anxiety during lockdown in Denmark, a new study shows.
New grant 2020.05.13 Is the corona pandemic supporting or crowding out the attention towards green transition? New grant: Researchers from Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science (SODAS) will investigate how the corona crisis affects the climate change debate on three major social media platforms in Scandinavia.
Grant 2020.04.22 Why do well-integrated people of immigrant origin feel more discriminated? Sociologist Merlin Schaeffer has received DKK 6 million from the German Research Council for a research project that is going to shed light on why better-integrated persons of immigrant origin tend to feel more…
VOLUNTEERING 2020.04.07 Sociologists are mapping out volunteer work and community spirit during the coronavirus outbreak In collaboration with the Danish Institute for Voluntary Effort, sociologists at the University of Copenhagen study the Danes' informal help and volunteeringduring the COVID-19 crisis through a large survey.
COVID-19 2020.03.24 Sociologists participate in emergency research on the corona epidemic Updated 30 March 2020: Sociologists from the Department of Sociology are contributing to several research projects initiated by the Faculty of Social Sciences at short notice to investigate societal aspects of the coron…