Reception for Bjarke Oxlund and Benedikte Brincker
Sociologisk Institut byder ny institutleder Bjarke Oxlund velkommen og samtidig vil Benedikte Brincker, takke af efter 5 år på posten. Alle er velkomne, der vil være drikkevarer, frugt og godt til ganen.
The Department of Sociology welcomes the new Head of Department Bjarke Oxlund and at the same time thanks Benedikte Brincker after 5 years on the position. Everyone is welcome and there will be drinks, fruit and delectables.
Time: 15:00 - 16:00
Place: building 16.1.62
Vi glæder os til at se jer! Venlig hilsen Sociologisk Institut
We look forward to seeing you! Best regards, Sociological Department